Friday 15 November 2013

Well hello there!

You have decided to check out my blog and I thank you for that...looooove!
The truth is this is my first one I have no idea what I'm going to do on this thing so I'm hoping it will just come to me...
I am 26 years of age and I have not got one clue what I want to do with my life,I get things wrong constantly,I have my ditsy moments but I also have my intelligent moments.(You know those moments when you say something fantastically intelligent and sit quietly acting cool while everyone else is going 'ooh yeah I never thought about it that way' and inside you're thinking 'Ah that just came out of my mouth stay calm and try not to act like a puppy who just got a treat for learning to rollover..'
I love being on my own.Sometimes I think there is nothing better then myself(And my two guinea-pigs!) and a movie(Or you know a really cheesy show that no one likes to admit they watch but still do at the moment mines 'Tia and Tamera')
Sometimes I have my down days... really down days... demon days if you will! But I try everything under the sun and the stars to keep myself up sooooooooo...I think that is what my blog is going to be about!
I want to experience new things,things that make me and you and people out in the street happy!
But I need ideas and that is where you guys come in.
Throw them at me like a little kid throwing bread at the ducks,Put your back into it,we may hit a few ducks in the head along the way but in the end its always the same outcome.Happy duck and happy kid so!
Let me have it people...I will write about my experiences accompanied by,what are most likely to be,unintentionally hilarious photos.

Until then fight the demon days and let the angelic ones take over and sometimes,just sometimes,take them both out to party :)

Love always,
Sarah xxx